Archive for May 1, 2006

Salad yumminess and pics of me

Yesterday I was really craving a great salad. Salads to me have become one of my very favorite foods(meals). I love veggies and I love trying different combos together to make one awesome mixture of tastes. It has become almost an art form

I know that sounds crazy but it is true. Well yesterday I found the mother of all places to make that happen ( no, not the grocery ) It was a place called Salad Express.. You can grab a container and fill it with your own salad creation for $6.00 .. can you believe that? I was so excited.. I started with a bed of spinach and added all kinds of goodies like cauliflower, broccoli, cheese , sprouts ,chick peas, tomatoes, mushrooms, both marinated and non, a hard boiled egg, okra, and a little bit of ham and cheese. When I got home I had to add some avacado ( I LOVE them ) and sprinkled it with extra virgin olive oil ……I have found that to be not only way healthier than dressing but it tastes awesome. It moistens the salad but leaves all the tastes of the veggies in tact…it does not mask the tastes but enhances them. I really recommend you try it if you never have. I was watching Joyce Meyers one day and she had a nutritionist talking about how we need a certain amount of “good” fats in our diet and that was one of them ,and one way to incorporate it into the diet and man it is awesome.
My Dr. also told me that along with exercise that extra virgin olive oil helps raise your HDL cholesterol level ..which is the good level that needs to be high to fight off free radicals in your body. So yeah !!! One more reason to love the stuff …lol
Anyway I didn’t write this post to obsess over olive oil Here is a picture of my yummy salad just because I thought it was so pretty and yummy looking I had to get a picture of it for you guys. And then two pics that Guppy took of me yesterday before we ran our errands to show everyone that I am healing well. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

Oh yeah and no laughing at my hair I am trying to grow out my bangs and am running out of ways to style it at the moment until it gets a little longer. I really hope I can hang in and grow them out without getting frustrated and cutting them again. I have done that so many times.

( click em to get em bigger)

May 1, 2006 at 12:00 am 13 comments

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May 2006