Archive for May, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

I know this is supposed to be wordless but thought I should explain the picture. This was a train that I made as a Christmas gift one year and stuffed it with goodies. Candy and giftcards and whatnot. It was made out of mini clay pots, wood wheels and popsicle sticks. It was fun to make and I really was pleased with how it turned out. I got the plans and supplies at Michael's.

May 31, 2006 at 12:02 am 23 comments

What color blue are you ?

You Are Indigo

Of all the shades of blue, you are the most funky, unique, and independent.
Expressing yourself and taking a leap of faith has always been easy for you.

What Color Blue Are You?

May 30, 2006 at 9:09 pm 3 comments

I guess I will not talk about…

How my management at work just made my Memorial Day a crappy one.THE manager at the store has the say so to whether or not we work on a long holiday weekend or not. To any holiday actually. When I say we, I mean hourly supervisors ,and offices. I am both and rarely get a holiday off. We get Christmas off but that is because the place is closed. Otherwise I am quite sure we would all be there. Anyway, Friday ,said boss informs us we WILL be working today and that it would be raining anyway. Like our life revolves around the rain right? Like we couldn’t possibly have anything else to do other than be outside where it was raining and storming. Well he said he would be there too and guess who was still to drunk to show up to work today? You guessed it… It wasn’t me. That wasn’t the bad part anyway. I mean it is always good when the boss man is off or plays hooky. I could care less. Everyone gets more work done when he is not there trying to micro-manage. The thing that made me mad is the fact that one of the girls in my office and I got with our immediate supervisor and asked ( at about 9:30) if we could wrap up what we were doing ,and bail out at about noon. She said she would see how busy we were an get back with us. 11:30 rolls around and I call her to see what the deal was. I needed to know if I should go on to lunch or get ready to go home. WELLLLLL she got with a co-manager and I guess she decides if she has to be there ,so does everyone else that showed up today. We did have ALOT of call ins but none in my area. I pretty much wasted time. They had me do a few very petty unnecessary tasks to waste my time until 4:00. SO ridiculous.GRRRRR management sometimes. I am sure she was upset because the big boss guy decided to drink it up like usual and stuck her to run the place. Oh wait .. I said I wasn’t going to talk about all that didn’t I ….So I guess let’s get to what I WAS going to talk about.* End Rant Here *

Today as the Astros played against The Cardinals and the bad, bad man …Albert Pujols….BOOO TO PUJOLS!!!! I so could use his name as a swear word.. It sounds like one doesn’t it ?…You pujol…lol I can see it now.

Berkman got his 1,000th base hit. WOOO HOOOO!!!! Very cool. I was so thrilled to see him back in the game after hurting his knee.

Then Craig Biggio hit the 10,000 th mark of being up to bat. The other cool thing is Biggio is in his 19th season and his whole career has been with the Stros. That is very, very impressive in this day and age. I think it is great that a guy his age can still run with the big dogs. He is older than a lot of guys on the team and he is one of the best. I say “ATTA BOY ” Biggio!!!!!

( pictures taken during Spring Training in Florida , and used with permission, by my friend Astrosprincess )

May 29, 2006 at 8:55 pm 6 comments

Why do some people ….

Just absolutely REFUSE to make their kids mind? This drives me up a wall. I guess I could say that it is a HUGE pet peeve for me. Yesterday Guppy and I were out bra shopping for me right. Well, here I am in the dressing room trying on some ,when I hear from the next stall ,” No Roberto” …and a little voice below me saying “boobies” in Spanish. I looked down and freaked out. So I turned away from him thinking surely his mother would pull him back over or MAKE HIM MIND…hey that is a novel idea. No she did not. He sat there repeating that word over and over as he looked up at me and smiled. I put my shirt on and had to finish trying on the rest of my bras from under it. After that he got bored with me and Guppy said he went around to each and every singe dressing stall.. Guppy said he would lay on his back and look up in some. He would crawl halfway into others. His mother did NOTHING except say ” No Roberto” .. or “don’t do that Roberto” …Did she folllow up with anything? ..NO. Did she go to him and remove him from the situation…NOPE.. Man,I could not believe she was letting this kid run crazy in this little store. He was ripping stuff off the racks. Guppy said at one point he picked up some sunglasses and was trying to rip them in half. His mother and grandmother just laughed… LAUGHED!!!! He also later on was crawling in and under all the stalls while his mom stood in line again. Doing nothing about it at all. I mean I know not all kids are perfect angels and they will act up at times, but to me there is just no excuse for a parent not to make a child mind. Especially when it is interfering with other peoples privacy. That is just insane to me… Can you tell this really bothered me?…lol

I have had this happen while using the bathroom too. I really do not know what the parents are thinking with this one. To lazy to make them mind so they just don’t care what they are seeing? I have no clue. Maybe they like the fact that they are raising a peeping Tom. Have you ever had this or a similar thing happen to you ? Or are YOU the parent that lets your kids do this? If that is the case I would really LOVE to hear your reasoning.

May 28, 2006 at 9:44 am 13 comments

Photo Hunt – My baby boy

PS Hunt

This is my baby Gizmo.. He is such a momma’s baby. If I am at my pc he is at my feet. If I am watching tv he is laying on me. He is such a sweet little boy, I love him to pieces. Luckily for me our living room is all Americana 🙂

Grab the Photo Hunt code.
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May 27, 2006 at 10:51 am 20 comments

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