Archive for February, 2006

The Chronicles of Narnia…

You can preorder your copy now …You can do that by going here.

It is an awesome movie with such wonderful sybolism. If you have not seen the movie or if for some reason you have not even heard of it, you can watch the movie trailer here .

I also found this which was very cool…you can go here and click on “Enter Narnia”…This would be something you and your child could do together.

One of my very favorite links is this one, it is about some chritian artists and thier songs that were inspired by this awesome movie. This link allows you to listen to the songs as well. It includes artists such as Jars of Clay ( one of my favorites), Rebecca St. James,Steven Curtis Chapman,and Jeremy Camp along with others. Click on over and check it out…

February 27, 2006 at 12:14 pm 6 comments

Sinuses and Milk

“If your kids suffer from chronic runny noses and sore throats, it might be time to dump the dairy. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, cow’s milk is the number one-cause of food allergies in children. According to the former director of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Frank Oski, there is evidence to indicate that up to half of U.S. children have some allergic reaction to milk. For these kids (and for adults who are allergic to dairy foods), milk is a mucus maker and can lead to persistent problems such as chronic coughs and sinus infections, asthma, and ear infections.

More and more physicians and dietitians realize that removing dairy products from the diet can be the solution to many childhood illnesses such as runny noses, constipation, colic, ear infections, and gas—and the list goes on.”
( I got this from this article)

I watched a show not to long ago about the effects that milk and dairy in general have on people that suffer with sinus problems. I know I was always told as a child that I could not have milk if I had a cold because it would produce more mucus and possibly lead to a sinus infection. We have taken lil one to be tested for allergies and she tested negative for any at all. Guppy said she was tested around age 3 and was allergic to all kinds of stuff. The allergist did say that in some kids between ages 7 and 9 that it was possible to actually have allergies but for the testing to come back negative. Everyone that is around the child can pretty much give you a list of things that she is allergic to by the way that child reacts to things. She can be in the grass or petting a cat and her eyes will swell up get bright red and have dark black circles under them. I am really starting to think she may also be allergic to milk. I notice everytime she has milk she ends up with either a runny nose or worse. I know this last time she spent time with one of her grandmothers and said she had a huge glass of milk with her cake.Very few days later she has a fever of 102.9 and turns out it was an ear infection and sinus infection. She just got over having a bad ear infection in December. I really do believe this dairy thing has something to it. We always keep her from drinking milk here because she is almost always atleast runny. I hesitate to give it to her at all because everytime she has an appointment with the allergist/sinus doctor she has a lot of sinus pressure.( They check this with a machine they stick in her ear) She is so use to it they said that she doesn’t complain of it bothering her. I hate to add to that mucus producing by letting her have milk. I know my MIL is always saying she is affraid that she is not getting enough calcium but there are so many other ways to get her that. One being the OJ plus calcium and she drinks a ton of that as well. I am really curious to see if anyone else has had this issue? Either with themsleves or thier child? I think I am going to bring this up to her doctor and see what he has to say about it, I am really very very curious.

here are a few more links I found about it:

Banishing Sinus Mystery

Cow’s Milk,Health Problems

and a list of foods that contain calcium :

Black Beans
1 cup, 120 mg calcium
Navy Beans 1 cup, 130 mg calcium
Fortified Cereal 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup, 180 mg calcium
Spinach, cooked 1/2 cup, 130 mg calcium
Bok Choy 1/2 cup, 80 mg calcium
Kale, cooked 1/2 cup, 90 mg calcium
Corn Tortilla 1, 6 inch, 50 mg calcium
Greens, mustard 1/2 cup, 100 mg calcium
Fortified Orange Juice 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
Canned Salmon w/bones 3 oz, 180 mg
Fortified Cereal 1 cup, 300 mg
Waffle, fortified 1, 150 mg
Soy milk, fortified 1 cup, 400 mg
Greens, mustard 1/2 cup, 100 mg
Tofu 1 cup, 40 mg
Almonds 2 oz., 150 mg
Oysters 3 oz., 80 mg

****(For lil ones mom, aunt and grandmothers)*****She drinks Soymilk here and loves it. Especially the chocolate kind. There is also a Soymilk light which is very good she also LOVES spinach when it is raw. She will eat it on her sandwiches even. Also she loves beans as I know some of you know. Also I know one gramma was concered that lil one would have to expierence life without ice cream. I personally think that life with alternatives and not getting sick is much more important and there are plenty of alternatives…such as these…

Non Dairy Frozen Desserts

So do any of you know anything about any of this? Do any of you have a child that sufferes from the same?

February 26, 2006 at 6:19 pm 10 comments

I’ve been a bad,bad landlord…

I would like to apologize to my tenant this week. I have been to self absorbed and have not even mentioned her. I would like to take the time now to ask you all to help me redeem myself by going over and clicking her thumbnail over there on the left.

She has a cute template…very feminine and pleasing to the eye. She is from Newfoundland Canada hense the name Newfie Girl….lol

I took this from her profile…she is a: “Writer. decorator. photographer. comic book villian. Wife. Mommy to furbabies. geek”

She seems very fun and has an adorable doggy with it’s own blog 🙂 you can see her post about that here : Doggy post

Please go on over and tell her Stormii sent ya :)…Thanks!!! You guys are so great 🙂

February 25, 2006 at 11:41 am 1 comment

Update on me ….

For those of you that were praying and waiting for an update on me click here —->UPDATE!!!!!

February 23, 2006 at 9:20 pm 7 comments

Leave it with God….

I was ready to post a few things tonight, and then I read this

February 22, 2006 at 9:48 pm 6 comments

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