Archive for August 4, 2005


The Crappy Cappy bitches have voted off Kaysar along with his own people except Janelle( what is up with that …they are all scared as they should be ) ….WE DO NOT WANT CRAPPY CAPPY to come back so please I beg of you to go now and vote for Kaysar to come back ..I for one can not continue to watch this show if Cappy comes back …Hearing Ivette cry for cappy as she humps his leg will be to much to handle for me …So please go now and vote for #3 🙂 Thank you and we now return to our regularly scheduled program 🙂 …….

CLICK HERE TO VOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I guess everyone and thier mom is trying to get on the site at once …It is not coming up for me and being very slow for Guppy ….so please be patient but please still go and vote 🙂 Thank you !!!!

For a great BB6 summary go visit Butterfly over at Girl in Metamorphosis

This is what I think of Ivette :

August 4, 2005 at 8:01 pm 10 comments

This and that ….

Well today I went back to work ( I was off sick for three days ) .I was actually pleasantly surprised that my work ,well some of it , had been done and not just left for me to do .Seeing as that is usually the case when I am out .What I do find funny though ,is this . They left all that work piled ( I heard by everyone today that it was A LOT ) for me until yesterday . Apparently yesterday my boss got four people to come do what he told me last week he believes I can do myself …Lmao funny how that works eh !!!
We switched beds last night ….Ok it sounds kinky but really it is innocent
We had a king size bed that we have been wanting to get rid of ..It is long overdue trust me Plus it was Guppy and his former wife’s so you can see why I am more then willing to get rid of it can’t you ?We took the one that his mother gave us for the guest room and put it in our room … I will have to admit ,it was MUCH more comfortable then the one we had before …But……It seemed so very tiny to us .She says it is a queen we were thinking more like a full We sleep cuddled anyway but I love having pillows all around me and that is not happening in this one . We were both afraid we were going to roll over last night and fall off the bed …lmao Luckily it did not happen ,so that is a good thing .


I have decided to do a 100 things list and will try and get that up this weekend maybe ..I figured it would be the easiest if I drafted it in notebook , then cut and paste when I am totally finished . I finally figured out how people got it on their sidebar ..I know I am actually admitting to being that dense …Ok, Ok, I am a lil slow at times but hey ….I finally figured it out at least that should count for something right ?
Last but certainly not least …Tonight is the BB6 eviction ..WAHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! My two favs are on the block which means one of them is definitely going home ….This sucks …Why do I get so involved in a damn reality show …lmao I do it every year though .Although I must say that this year has been the most intense for me yet …Man everyone cross your fingers and your toes , pray … whatever you do that Kaysar stays …If he happens to go I hope Janelle kicks thier asses one by one …Oh sorry I am getting all worked up

Anyway …..Stay tuned for my 100 things ……

August 4, 2005 at 6:03 pm 4 comments

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August 2005